Search for video content with an extra layer of protection

Install this extension and turn on the protection while you search for video content


How does this extension work?

Not all the innocent search keywords return safe and relevant results. This extension provide you a simple command tool to search for video content safely directly from your address bar. Type the quick command in the address bar plus the keywords you need, then search for the same keywords in a safe place!


Supported Search Engines

After this extension has been added to your Chrome browser, your default search engine will be modified to our private search domain powered by Bing. In this extension, we support Yahoo, Google, and Bing.

Frequently Asked Questions

This extension provides you with an extra layer of safety protection while you search for video content.

Many seemingly innocent search queries might surprise you by returning unsafe results. The same thing happens in the world of video search.

In order to deliver the quick safe video search command, we need to modify your default search provider and access the autocomplete area of your browser.

Indeed. It's free of charge. You can download it directly from the Google Chrome Web Store. Check out the link above.

Please refer to the uninstall page for detailed instruction.